July 8, 2019
Morgan's post on Facebook
How is our tiny perfect human 9 months old already? 19.8 lbs of thick thighs n big blue eyes.
Davis is so much more than we ever could’ve dreamed up. He’s spunky and hilarious, feisty and persistent. He amazes me every single day.
This month he slept through the night for the first time 🙌🏽
We’re up to 6 teeth and the cutest toothy smile ever. Baby shark do do do do do do.
He’s standing up on his own and I swear will be taking off walking soon. He loves pushing his truck around and walking behind it.
This wild child is into every thing and could sit in his swing under the house for hours if I’d let him.
He started swim lessons and is learning how to float like a big boy on his back.
He said his first words, bye bye bye bye bye, and brought big ol elephant tears into this mamas eyes.
Our perfect baby boy is growing up right before our eyes and I’m just doing the best I can to absorb every second of every moment because they come and go so fast. 🖤
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