
Showing posts from June, 2019


June 25, 2019 Heard from Brittany last night. She's in Corpus Christi for work until Thursday.  Talked to Angela and Tori. One of Angela's co-workers does some things with property management, so she's looking into that. Tori is enjoying the projects she is working on now, because they are going back through old coding and cleaning things up. She said she loves to organize things. Shiloh is all better. Zoe likes Thai food. Bella had an upset tummy seems better, and Bentley is doing well. They're going to try to come in for Nana and Granddad's weekend. Heard from Kennedy, although I forgot to ask how her presentation went.  Heard from Faith. She said she'd had a couple of days off, which was good because she had a couple of days where she'd worked double shifts.


June 24, 2019 Angela sent me a text this morning. She's going to try to call tonight. Kennedy came over to see us yesterday afternoon. We went down to Firefly and she and Papa did a little fishing.  Annette got my text about Mama Cat and the blanket. I worked a lot this weekend, but made progress on important things. If it weren't for the fridge, I'd be good to go for days at Firefly. 


June 21, 2019 Brittany...I might as well call her and tell her that I love her.


June 21, 2019 Well, the writing shack ac compressor isn't working, so I'm clammy. ;-)  However --- Angela sent me a text yesterday morning and I got to talk to Beverly last night.  I got to spend yesterday with Davis, so my day is was filled with hugs and smiles, and getting to see Morgan. She said, "I love the expression on his face when he sees me when I come get him after work." 
Morgan loving the way Davis's eyes light up when he first sees her at the end of her workday when she comes to get him.


June 18, 2019 Got a text from Tori yesterday! She said they are having a lot of rain, that work was good, and that she'd had a yum lunch. :-)  Heard from Beverly this morning.  Got to have a nice phone visit with Beth yesterday afternoon. She'd had a crazy Friday at work and had anticipated Monday being troublesome, but it turned out not to be.  Got a text from Angela this morning. Heard from Zak. He said he was planning to come by this evening, but since Barry and I are planning to go to Firefly at 5:00, he's going to come over for supper Wednesday night. 


June 19, 2019 It wasn't perfect --- wasn't unrushed or unpressured the way I would like for things to be, but we still got to watch the sun rise over the bay, and he got back to the yard before he was antsy. Some of the pressure is just about adjusting the schedule and getting things figured out. The coffee part worked this morning, so that was progress. We still didn't get to have coffee because the pot wasn't in position correctly and it made a mess, but still --- progress. I swam this morning. I don't have anywhere I have to be today so my hair doesn't have to be dry. It takes longer to swim than it does to walk, when you throw in the changing and the showering, but I feel so much better, and I think that I really do have the time.  J.A. sent a text and thanked me for his Father's Day card. Zak and Kennedy and Evan and Chelsea are all coming over for supper tonight! 


June 17, 2019 Andrew, hugging me, smelling the roast, having answered that he was doing good, "Ummm good."  Evan, coming back to help clean up the kitchen and take out the garbage. We didn't have to pull out any extra tables, so the grandbabies didn't break in to their usual generational groups. Daniel's girlfriend came. Lots of laughter all through the house.  The roast turned out all right but I the top of the mac and cheese was a little overdone. Kim said she'd be happy to bring a side dish anytime.  I spent most of Saturday shopping for things for the Firefly R.V. and I think we've about got things in place. We spent Friday night down there and we're going to tonight, and I get happy just thinking about it. 


June 15, 2019 Sunrise from the potty


June 14, 2019 Barry talked to Dave Ferrante yesterday and we have just come to great new places in our adventure. Dave told Barry that he has learned more from working with him than with any of his other terminal managers.  And, we're excited. The three owner-operators who wanted to be able to go ahead and buy their trailers can do so. We are on track for getting Donald into his own truck with his own trailer. We've made a decision about running our trucks. I've talked to Derek about getting his corporation set up.  ~Tyler was so mature and helpful yesterday, and loving. I needed to change Davis and so put the changing pad on the front passenger seat. I worried aloud that this might not work too well because Davis is longer than my seat is wide, and Tyler reached in, offering his finger to a crying Davis, "Here, do you want to hold my finger?" And after the change was done, Tyler offered me a diaper wipe for my hands and offered to take the diaper to the d...


June 10, 2019 Shawn is working with Barry today. Heard from Beverly yesterday. Got to talk to Beth a little bit. I'm writing some on Facebook and on a and am getting some positive responses. Around 4 yesterday afternoon Barry asked me if I wanted to drive down to Firefly and I said I always want to go down to fireflies so we drove down and just hang out for a little bit on the deck and watch the rainbow form on the horizon and got caught out on the deck of the tiny little thing store enjoyed the sound of the raindrops on the metal roof. I asked him what's going to happen if he puts more be down here for me and I can go Sarpy sorry then he said it's okay.


June 10, 2019 Barry initiated a visit to Firefly Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon, and that was fun, and we got in the pool together last night.  We babysat for Jaden and James Saturday and Sunday, so we got hugs and smiles.  Some of my posts having gotten multiple positive responses.  Jaden getting down on the blanket to play with James. Got to have a phone visit with Beverly. She and JA had been on a hike they enjoyed.


June 7, 2019 Barry and I drove down to Firefly after work and just set out on the deck for a minute ...he picked up his fishing rod. Time just flies by when we're down there. We went to Bailey's for supper.  Heard from  Skyler. Enjoyed visiting with Tyler on the way to and from his class. Got a text from Angela this morning, with a video. A turtle is laying eggs just outside her office! Got to have a little phone visit with Beverly. She should be getting the schedule she expected, starting next week, and she was signed off on some things that she had to get through, even though they didn't give her much time to prepare.  Heard from Kennedy. She may be over this weekend. I shared a fish article on Zak's timeline and he responded.  Beth will get her CT results one day next week. Heard from Amber. She said she got in a two mile run along the lake!


June 6, 2019 Did I tell you already that Ashley Ezell said I was the most productive volunteer she'd ever worked with? I feel pretty much the opposite, so I've kind of enjoyed that. Evan and Chelsea brought Jaden and James over for supper last night. Jaden started lots of games with us (hiding in the cabinets, etc.) and James smiled a lot. We got take out from Taste of Thai and just laughed and talked and caught up a little bit. James was teething on his fist, so I gave him an Oreo. After he'd had a minute I said, "I should have asked his mommy first!" and Chelsea said, "That's all right. You're the granny. You can do whatever you want."  I got to have a nice phone visit with Annette this morning. I could hear in her voice how much she and Andrew had enjoyed her trip to California.  Heard from Tori. She said they had just finished a walk around the neighborhood, so I said that I was sending them each a star. Heard from Shawn. He said ...


June 5, 2019 Ashley Ezell said I'm the most productive volunteer she's ever worked with. :-) (And that she always appreciates my sense of humor.) Heard back from Elaine, so we'll have our lunch soon, I think. Heard from Annette this morning. She sent me the most loving message / gifs.  Faith sent me a text --- she got to open the store this morning. Chelsea came over with Jaden and James. Barry thought Jaden might like being able to walk in the shallow end of the pool while it was filling up, but Jaden wasn't interested in that. He was having fun running in the yard and going down the slide. He climbed up on the hearth for the "1, 2, 3, jump game." James was full of smiles. Kennedy came over and spent some time yesterday afternoon, so we got hugs and a fun visit. 


June 4, 2019 Kennedy is here!  I got a "Happy Tuesday," text from Angela early this morning. Brittany sent me a picture of a vase that she has, and that she has filled with a collection of sand, including sand from Vero Beach. Beth sent me a text. Facebook chatted with Morgan a little bit yesterday.  Zak posted on Facebook and I commented on his post, and he said, "Love you, Grannie!" Amber posted a picture of some paleo baking she'd done. Had a good visit with Tyler yesterday when I took him to his class. Had a good walk with Bertice this morning. 


June 3, 2019 Got to have a nice visit with Beth this morning. She had good visits with Zak and Morgan.  Got to voice visit with Beverly and JA. Tyler seems happy.  He's spending a lot of time with a new friend whose name is Henry. Andrew posted some links.... CNN.... re the Disney project he is working on. He and Annette had a lot of fun on her visit there and she had fun with camera and got some great pictures. Brittany posted some good pics of her Florida trip with Jon Marc. They enjoyed their visit with Daddy and Kathi. Did I tell you that Faith sent me a text about her promotion? She and the boys and some friends came out to swim and she stayed inside and visited with me awhile. We talked to Angela and Tori Friday night.  Tori is xwalking more and it was fun to hear Angela talk about the way she had solved her work problems that day. We talked to Kennedy yesterday and she is planning on coming over tonight and spending tomorrow. Chelsea took car...