
June 7, 2019

Barry and I drove down to Firefly after work and just set out on the deck for a minute ...he picked up his fishing rod. Time just flies by when we're down there. We went to Bailey's for supper. 

Heard from  Skyler.

Enjoyed visiting with Tyler on the way to and from his class.

Got a text from Angela this morning, with a video. A turtle is laying eggs just outside her office!

Got to have a little phone visit with Beverly. She should be getting the schedule she expected, starting next week, and she was signed off on some things that she had to get through, even though they didn't give her much time to prepare. 

Heard from Kennedy. She may be over this weekend.

I shared a fish article on Zak's timeline and he responded. 

Beth will get her CT results one day next week.

Heard from Amber. She said she got in a two mile run along the lake!


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