
May 2, 2019

I woke up to a text from Faith. "Sorry to message you so late but I got the best news today!!! I'm going to be a key holder and I start my training on Friday!!! Hope you slept well or I hope you sleep well depending on if you're still up. I love you very much!" I'm proud of her and excited for him, and I just keep smiling because she shared her excitement with me.

Heard from Skyler. Her sunburn is better but still itchy. 

Phone visit with Beverly. She said the back window of their RV looks out into my shrubbery that birds seemed to enjoy, so she set out some seed, and the cats like to sit in the window and watch them. They've had all kinds of birds, and a little ground critter that wouldn't come all the way out of its hole, but only pulled in the seed it could reach from there.

Tori was working from home yesterday, so I sent her a text in the middle of the day and we got to visit a little. She said she hasn't had any more kidney stone trouble, and the project she's working on (Cleaning up structure) is going well.

Heard from Shawn. He was having a good day. 


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