
We had our Easter Hunt Second Sunday Supper and had a good time. Annette pulled everything together for me, and I got Moe's Southwest to cater, so 

Evan offered to help clean up.

Kennedy and Papa spent most of the day working on the project for Frank Ledbetter.

Got a text from Andrew. Annette said he will be home today, I think, and will be here till next Tuesday. Then he'll be gone for a couple of weeks and back for Brittany's graduation. 

Barry and Kennedy and I went to Firefly and Kennedy helped me move some logs for my Coastal Engineering experiment. 

Took my first ride with Skyler --- from the back of the property to the house. ;-) She was helping Annette hide the presents. Skyler wanted to hide one of the presents in the high crook of a tree, but Annette told her, "no." Skyler said, "Dad would let me." When I laughed, she said, "You know he would." 

I had asked her which of her prom pictures she liked the best, but hadn't heard from her, so I asked if she'd gotten it. She hadn't, but then sent me her two favorites. 

The Serve It Up With Love tournament was last week, and it really kept most of my thoughts occupied. There were a lot of really sweet comments and follow-up emails, so I will treasure those. 


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