
Showing posts from January, 2019


January 25, 2019 Beth, describing something fun she'd done for Zak --- "I did a mom thing." I thought she meant that she'd done a things mom do, but she meant she'd done a thing that I do. I've thought about that and smiled at least five times today. Kennedy is here! She has scanned the turtle Frank gave her, and she and Barry are going out to see him after her appointment today.  Brittany had an interview dinner last night and ended up sitting at a table by Jon Gruden, from the Oakland Raiders.  Beverly and Beth called me last night and we laughed together. Beth is planning a visit --- Feb 6 - 10. Angela saw the history post I put on her timeline. Morgan: One year. One year since I was on the couch watching Dateline with Brandon and thought to myself, “hm, I should’ve started my period today. I think I’ll go grab that old pregnancy test that’s at the back of my cabinet and just see what happens.” And so on the next commercial break, that’s wh...


January 23, 2019 The lady who did my bone scan yesterday, after I had mentioned Dr. Vance, said "I love Dr. Vance." It was fun to share appreciation for Dr. Vance --- something in common.  Got a text from Angela last night.  Kennedy made it back safely to Pensacola. I posted something about football on Zak's timeline, and he saw it. Vivian sent a text and thanked me for her books and boogie board. JA's post:  42° outside and 40° in the office........ something is a little off


January 22, 2019 I made Zak some chocolate chip cookies for his first day at his new job, mostly because it makes him so happy when I make them, and it felt like a fun way to celebrate. Vivian was working, but he came over to get them and then stayed to have supper with Papa and Kennedy and I. Papa had cooked Bubbles and Squeak, and had made mixed bean concoction with the leftovers from our Moe's Southwest supper.  Zak's new job is on Halls Mill Road, and is a place where they manufacture / assemble the monitoring equipment that he learned how to work with when he was getting his degree. This experience will let him know the equipment inside out. He seemed really happy and confident as he was telling us about it. He asked Papa about his oysters and asked Kennedy what was going on with her, and then the two of them went out to the shop so she could show him the nerf gun setup.  ~  Got a text from Vivian --- she'd gotten my thank you note, which she referred to as a ...


January 21, 2019 We got Moe's Southwest to cater last night, and it was the easiest Second Sunday Supper of all time. They delivered and set up and everything.  Brittany and Jon Marc came early and got the family room set up --- she sent me a text around 3 to see if I needed any help.  James got lots of loving.  Jaden had a big time jumping off the fireplace and everybody clapping for him.  I just relaxed and sat at the dining room table, and we visited and had a good time. Brittany said that in one of her interviews they had asked her to tell them something about herself that wasn't in her resume. She told them that she is from a big family, that we get together for suppers once a month, that we are diverse --- that she is religious, but that she is an aunt who is Buddhist, and that we all get along at supper. 


January 18, 2019 Barry and I had a nice time over our coffee this morning. It is nice not to hop up and be pressured to get started on the day.  I didn't send any of my weekly postcard texts until yesterday, but I had little visits with Brittany and Amber and Abby and Kennedy and Morgan and Vivian and Annette and I heard from Skyler. Angela and Tori called, and Papa and I both got to talk to them. 


Lots of missing days because I have been sick. I'm still sick, but I have some new medicine, so hopefully that will kick in soon. This cold weather is kicking my butt.  At any rate --- the tennis meeting went well yesterday, and everyone was very complimentary and appreciative.  Beverly and Beth worked hard to take care of Shawn when he got to California and he arrived home safely last night. He is at work with Barry now.  Got to see Tyler night before last. He was pretty excited about an ROTC event that was coming up. 


I got to talk to Daddy late yesterday afternoon. He said he went flying on the morning of his 87th birthday, that he hadn't thought that he would be able to, but since he could, he didn't see why not. He said he'd had lunch with the birthday boys (Jim Thompson and John Jewett) --- although one of them reads the menu with a magnifying glass and uses a walker, and the other uses a cane. Barry and I had a nice evening and morning. We're feeling our age. I told him I wasn't sure the "best is yet to be," but that if I have to grow old, I'm glad I'm doing so with him. He is a good partner on this journey. I got a text from Angela.  Got one from Kennedy this morning --- she said, "Guess who's eating breakfast!" The seafood really seems to be doing her some good. 
Beverly and Beth happy that I raised them.
Britney calling me about her interview.
Barb said that I rock..😊
Caroline complimented the my letter.


I've been having trouble with the internet in my writing shack for the last couple of days. Turns out, the router in the house was on the floor. I'm thinking Mama Cat.  I got to have breakfast with Andrew yesterday. Did I already tell you that? I had a good afternoon in the office. Worked on the Melton Center, and actually got it all the way through to a letter. 
Barry: your decisions affect me and mine affect you so....


Vivian stopped by yesterday to visit. She said she's been certified to run a forklift.  We talked to Angela and Tori last night, on speaker phone, so Barry got to hear their voices, too. Tori said that Josh's roommates have cats, and that cats aren't supposed to like the odor of orange, so I'm trying a cotton ball with orange essential oil on near Papa's pillow today. We'll see if that helps. I also put Mama Cat on her catnip infused cat tower before I left, so that might help, too. Kennedy and Papa spent most of the afternoon together, getting reading for Wizard Con, and then she went and had supper with us.  Morgan, thanking me, "Everyone needs a "grannie," I swear!" 


January 4, 2019 Davis slept in his crib napped in his crib for the first time today. Brittany thanking me for always caring about what is going on in her life. Jaden trying to get a glass off the kitchen counter. He can reach it now. 


January 5, 2019 Kennedy driving the forklift. We have movies. ;-) Beverly said it had occurred to her that they were trying to make her jealous.


January 7, 2019 Got to have breakfast with Andrew. I'm in such a happy mood --- I just walked around the house for a little bit and enjoyed the happy mood.  Beverly and I got to have a phone visit last night. She's having lots of rain, but she and JA got to spend Sunday snuggled down and resting and didn't have to get out in the rain. The rain wouldn't be so bad, she said, if it weren't so cold, too.  Kennedy, watching Papa use a Bobcat to pull his tractor back onto the driveway: "I'm glad I'm old enough to realize just how much more I have to learn from him." She paused. "When you have a problem, you don't call somebody, you just fix it." I agreed, but added that there are times when you do need to recognize that it is time to call for help. She agreed.  Kennedy said that her trip to New Orleans for the Wizard Con with Papa and getting to just talk to him on the trip there and back was what she didn't know she...


January 4, 2019 Barry said that when Kennedy was walking across the driveway with him she expressed appreciation for all of the years of support of creativity.  Morgan, thanking me, "Thank you so much, grannie! I love you so much!!! Everybody needs a 'grannie,' I swear!" Jaden, reaching as far as he could on the kitchen counter to get to a glass.  Evan and Chelsea came over with Jaden and James last night and stayed and had supper. Kennedy and Shawn were with us, too, so it was a full, happy table. James snuggled down in my arms and slept while Chelsea ate, and then Barry took him while I ate.  My progress during my Wonderland hours was stalled due to printer connections, and internet connections, and updates that needed to be downloaded. Even at that, I was able to catch up 3 weeks worth of settlements posting and credit card receipts, etc. Almost. I wasn't quite able to get through the last Lowes statement. I'm excited because I think that on mo...