
December 9, 2019

I have ordered some reusable straws that I think will work --- they are metal, but have a silicone tip. Since Barry and I usually just drink water, I don't think they'll require that much cleaning. 

I also found some reasonably priced non-styrofoam "to go" boxes and have ordered them. We can use them for SSS, and I can just take my own when we go out to eat. I ordered some plates as well. Paper may be disposed of significantly easier than the Styrofoam, but producing it has some negative effects. I'm going to think about getting some Melamine plates for Second Sunday Supper. 

So, I feel happy about those things. The house has been neatened. The laundry is almost back in order. If I get Monday's laundry done today, I will be back on even keel. 

Angela and Kennedy came over yesterday afternoon for a little visit. Angela said the Synergy party went well --- her boss and all of the guests seemed happy. Kennedy is winding up her BFA --- finals are this week. 

Beth called just to visit. She was very excited about having made a friend in Louisville. And she was happy that Morgan felt like the party had gone so well. She got a lot of compliments, which was important because it was her first since Nicole resigned, and she wanted to put her own stamp on it. 

I took care of Bentley and he took all of his medicines without any problem. 

Barry and I are both on board with after the first of the year getting on a schedule that has us at 7040 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and at Firefly on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'm pretty excited about that.


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