November 29, 2019
The house is straightened back up, although I still have the little box of Thanksgiving decorations to put away. The white holiday plates are put away, along with the coffee cups that belonged to Grandmother and that I used for dessert cups for the Heavenly Chocolate Mousse. The cranberry sauce dish was out and is back up again.
I forgot to kick the oven up to 350 when I took the ham out and put the vegetable casseroles in. The dressing from Neighbors wasn't all that good. But my cranberry sauce was delicious and the rolls from Fresh Market were good, and the turkey from Neighbors was ok.
Angela was happier than I have seen her in a long, long time. Maybe it was the time she spent on the phone with Beverly the day before. Maybe because Logan came to Second Saturday Supper and she feels good about that relationship. Maybe she was just enjoying Thanksgiving dinner --- I don't know, but it was fun to see.
Kennedy brought Guillermo, so we got to meet him. Everyone likes him. When I told Beverly that I knew it sounded flaky, but as soon as he walked up to me I felt a sense of comfort, she said that's about what Tori said --- that she got a good vibe from him. She said he and Logan have met and liked each other immediately. Chris and Tyler came and although Chris spent most of his time keeping up with Wylder, there was room for everyone at the kitchen table. Zak and Gabby were here, as was Beth who is the one who got the whole Thanksgiving party started.
She and I spent the morning in (or near) the kitchen together. She had to work on her expense report. She made deviled eggs and mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. I burnt my pecan pies, but my Heavenly Chocolate Mousse turned out good.
Wylder telling us "Bye, bye, bye!"
November 28, 2019
Spent the day with Brittany, her day for trying on wedding dresses. She looked so beautiful in all of them.
Morgan, as Brittany was trying on one of them: "That's the kind I've always pictured her in --- like a princess."
Brittany, in a different, answering the consultant's question: "I feel like a princess."
Brittany, later, in a more romantic dress: In the other one, I feel like a princess. In this one, I feel like a bride.
She brought the handkerchief I had gotten her. I had one of Grandmother's.
Jon Marc's mother was there, and Skyler, and Kara, and Morgan, and Annette. Brittany wanted our thoughts, and we shared them, but we were united in caring more about what she thought and not trying to sway her.
At the end, at the second store, when she had "Said yes to the dress," she asked for Morgan to come into the dressing room with her. She wanted to get Morgan's thoughts on whether or not the favorite here was better than the favorite at the other store. They are both beautiful, but very different, dresses. Morgan told Brittany, "I liked the look on your face more when you saw yourself in this dress."
Brittany, re this dress: "I just don't ever want to take it off."
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