
August 13, 2019

It has been a long time since I have opened my Joy Journal! When I sent Tori the pictures of the letters she had sent Grandmother and Granddad, she said, "Now, I want to read a joy journal!" 

The morning has gone well. I took my 30 minute walk early because it is so hot these days, and I'm making it through the laundry. I'm focusing on it a little bit because I'm going to pack today so that we can spend a series of nights at Firefly. 

Talked to Beverly for a little while last night. She and JA are just in a really good space --- bills are paid, have breakfast together in the morning, supper together at night, easy relaxing evenings. His job just has more sensible hours than anything he has worked for the past several years. She is especially excited because Ange, Tor, and Kennedy are all flying out there tomorrow for a visit.

Kathi had a card that I had sent Grandmother --- picture of Brittany waving at us at her preschool program. I sent it to Brittany because it reminded me of her blowing me back a kiss at her Master's graduation. Brittany loved that.

Barry and I went to Tampa and so got to visit with Angela, Tori and Josh Friday night and Saturday morning. Just so happy to see them all and get hugs. One of Tori's co-worker's wife is pregnant, and he told Tori she could be an honorary aunt. Angela's co-worker, the one who has been battling breast cancer, was not chosen for a promotion --- they brought in someone else. Ange said the woman ended up under Ange's desk, crying. All Ange could do at the time was hand her some tissues, but the woman is superb crafter so the two or three people who work under her got her a gift card for Michael's and card that let her know how much they appreciate her. Josh said things are always happening at Angela's work --- their evening conversations.

Have had a couple of phone visits with Beth.

Got to watch Davis one day last week. I really just set everything else aside, and played with him. It was probably the first time that I had him without also trying to get some work done at the same time. Notes about the day are in the Facebook Joy Journal.

Had a sweet trip to Vero. Notes are in the Vero Journal.

Mark giving me instructions on taking star pictures.


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