
February 22, 2019

I'm just so happy today! Angela and Tori have a trip planned home for the first weekend in March and Beth is coming home the third weekend. We'll have Second Sunday Supper the second weekend, so there should be lots more family time than we've had in January and February. 

Had some voice visits yesterday with Beverly, Angela and Tori, and Beth, so my heart is much happier. 

Got to talk to Daddy. He won't know for sure what is wrong with his Achilles tendon until he has an MRI and follow up doctors appointment next week. But we laughed together, and he told me about a note that they'd gotten from Kennedy that made them very happy. 

Kennedy and Barry are going to Pensacon today. Beverly said it is all Kennedy has been able to talk about.

Vivian and Zak are in Denmark and having a good time. Viv posted a video with her laughing in it and Morgan said she'd had turned the volume up and listened to it again, just to hear Vivian's laugh.

I sent Noah a text to tell him I'd miss his game today because of a meeting. He said, "It's okay. I'll make sure to score a goal for you and good luck with your meeting. Love you." 

 Even bigger things to come in year 5! The years just get more and more eventful each year and I can't wait to do another with you. I love you!


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